Digestive Health
More information on the importance of gut health and the role that probiotics play
Stop the Bloat with Probiotics
Bloating…that uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing problem we’ve all experienced at one time or another. It’s so problematic that nearly 18 percent of adults experience bloating at least once per week.1 […]
5 Ways to Ease Gut Inflammation
If you frequently deal with digestive distress, you may have an inflamed gut. Sometimes the signs are obvious—think diarrhea or cramping. But other times, the signs can be subtle and […]
Dietary Fiber—Your Gut’s Best Buddy
Are You Getting Enough Fiber? Our grandparents called it “roughage” and they knew it kept you regular. But dietary fiber offers so much more. Full of micronutrients, fiber also helps […]
Has Your Gut Sprung a Leak?
Do you suffer frequent gastrointestinal problems like gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, constipation, or diarrhea? Or maybe you’re plagued by more baffling symptoms like unexplained fatigue, rashes, or brain fog. If […]
Women’s Gut Health—What You Need to Know
Let’s face it: women’s lives can be jam-packed with a never-ending “to do” list. And with everything going on in your life, one of the last things you probably think […]
Fix Your Gut to Fix Your Allergies
Whether it’s a pesky tickle in the back of your throat or full-blown congestion that makes your sinuses feel heavy, seasonal allergies are nothing to sneeze at. Commonly known as […]
Five Gut-Healthy Foods to Add to Your Shopping List
What you eat has a huge impact on your intestinal health. In fact, everything you put into your body affects the gut microbiota that protects you from disruptive digestive disorders, […]
Understanding the Microbiome
What it is, why it’s important and how to support it.
When is the Best Time to Take Probiotics?
Probiotics can be a great addition to any self-health routine. Probiotic supplements contain beneficial bacteria that are known for a multitude of health benefits, including promoting regular digestion and a […]
New to probiotics? Here’s what you need to know.
How to choose the right product and what to expect when you start.