All About Probiotics
Clear, concise and to the point articles to explain the what-why-how of probiotics
The Health Benefits of Having Fun at Every Age
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It also makes Jack less healthy. That’s because without play, your body misses out on key opportunities to reach your […]
Want to Improve Your Microbiome? Get Moving!
For years, medical experts have been telling us how critical exercise is for good health. After all, regular workouts strengthen our bones, build muscle, and help us maintain a healthy […]
Understanding the Microbiome
What it is, why it’s important and how to support it.
DNA Verification for Probiotics and Why It Matters
What is a DNA-verified probiotic and why is it important? A probiotic that has been DNA-verified means that the bacteria’s identity has been confirmed at the genetic level to ensure […]
Probiotics by the Numbers
An at-a-glance rundown of the role of probiotics – probiotics by the numbers. Learn more about the role of probiotics in the microbiome and in the body!
New to probiotics? Here’s what you need to know.
How to choose the right product and what to expect when you start.
Top 7 Benefits of Probiotics
Gut health is a gateway to whole-body wellness.