Healthy Living Blog
Keep up with latest tips, trends and recommendations for making probiotics a part of your healthy lifestyle.
The Importance of Being Regular (Yes, we’re talking about poop!)
Although it’s known by many names—poop, turd, feces, stool—bowel movements aren’t something most of us like discussing. Even so, eliminating this waste from the body is a normal and essential […]
Is There a Link Between Your Gut Health and Your Immunity?
Your body is overflowing with bacteria. In fact, it contains about 10 times as many bacterial cells as human cells. They live on your skin, in your respiratory tract, and […]
How to Have Better Gut Health This Year
Make this year your healthiest year yet, starting with your gut! Why your gut? According to the University of Michigan, your gastrointestinal tract may be a victim of the challenges […]
How Poor Sleep Can Affect Your Gut Health
If you’ve ever spent the night tossing and turning, you know how you’ll feel the next day—tired, cranky, and probably not at all like your best self. While the occasional […]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking and Storing Your Probiotics
So you’ve bought your probiotic supplement…now what? You know you made the right decision purchasing a probiotic, but do you know how to take care of your probiotics, how to […]
The Importance of Probiotic Bacterial Strains
Probiotics are one of the most commonly bought supplements, and it’s pretty easy to see why. The microbiome affects almost every part of your body – your immunity, heart health, […]
Nutritional Practices for Optimal Gut Health
Sometimes, you can just tell when your gut health is a little off. Your food sensitivities may become a bit worse, you may have more gas, bloating, and skin issues […]
How Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises Can Benefit Digestion
Yes, you read that right! Certain diaphragmatic breathing exercises can benefit digestion. It’s hard to believe that something as simple as taking a few deep breaths can transform your body, […]
5 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut
Have you been feeling a little “off” lately, a little bloated, fatigued, maybe experiencing some joint pain? These are just a few signs that you may have an unhealthy gut. […]
Can Children Benefit from Probiotics Too?
Probiotics are popping up everywhere today, and have become very popular, almost trendy, on social media, television, and health blogs. When we see these blog posts about probiotics, typically we […]